We greet you here, where the love for fashion and the creativity of a powerful city come together: from Bogotá Fashion Week.
As we know that the center of our power lies in our intention that emanates from the electromagnetic field of the heart, we see how we all come with the realization of what moves us and how we materialize it through unique pieces that tell a brand story as intimate and individual as our soul.

We have had the opportunity to share information about the vibrancy of colors and what inspired us to create our latest collection (we will tell you more about that later!) with such diverse individuals who share similar and opposing visions. In all of these exchanges, we have been able to connect more as a brand and as humans. We have realized that there is nothing trendy about color or style, that the trend is to embrace our story and let our guard down, to lose the fear of expressing ourselves like children with openness and excitement about everything that crosses our minds.

In this era of so many contrasts, where we finally begin to embrace the uniqueness of who we are, we celebrate this gathering of talents, desires, expression, and courage. Once again, we express our gratitude to the universe for continuing to evolve as a brand.
Maria Clara Villamizar